About Me

Nothing more than just a normal girl on her journey to becoming a Woman. Experiencing the highs and lows of life while reaching her full potential. Although her life continues to be a battle between her goals and her innate desire to love, she is determined to succeed and holds on to hope that one day her king will find her. Welcome to the world inside me. Put your seat belts on, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Sep 7, 2010

i forgot you

you know how you can tell when you forgotten somebody..when you can look back at the things you've said or written and laugh. i think i just laughed at my foolishness right now or well i don't really know but i just think its funny. when time passes and you can look back at the bad memories and laugh well thats when you know you've moved on forward....everytime i move forward though i still wonder where do those feelings that you had go to, what place are they saved at. Everytime i ever felt anything for someone it was truly sincere. I can't imagine how something like that could possibly just disappear. Now that i really think about it i guess for me they never do disappear they just..change.

Remember When....

I haven't posted anything here in about almost 2 months. I got tired of writing letters to my king and tired of being disappointed by every man that I met. Queen was done and meeting guys now I find myself unable to let go. Sorry, if I just decided that being that nice girl wasn't taking me far. Wale just put it all together, this song is too real....