About Me

Nothing more than just a normal girl on her journey to becoming a Woman. Experiencing the highs and lows of life while reaching her full potential. Although her life continues to be a battle between her goals and her innate desire to love, she is determined to succeed and holds on to hope that one day her king will find her. Welcome to the world inside me. Put your seat belts on, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Feb 8, 2010

He was my short story

I just don't get why forgetting you is harder than I thought it would be it's usually easy for me to move on and get over people .. What kills me the most is that u seem to have forgot about me so easily<3

Feb 4, 2010

here we go again ..

uh-lalala the wonders of life..I just lie in amazement at the way things work out. I must announce theres this new guy lol. I know I really thought I was done. However, shit! hahaha things just happen out of no where. I am still the AlphaFemale and I still have the same plans to live it up this year. My adventures start this weekend I'm going club hopping in the city with my 21 ID YAY :) were talkin Marquee, Greenhouse, M2 Ultralounge, Pink Elephant, and 40/40. MONEY TO BLOW&BOTTLES POPPIN<3..

(I have many surprises coming up)