About Me

Nothing more than just a normal girl on her journey to becoming a Woman. Experiencing the highs and lows of life while reaching her full potential. Although her life continues to be a battle between her goals and her innate desire to love, she is determined to succeed and holds on to hope that one day her king will find her. Welcome to the world inside me. Put your seat belts on, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Mar 3, 2010

I finally found my way

Hey Everyone!

It's been a while since I've written but I just been really busy. Everything is going good though I can't complain. You know how it is everyday another new learned lesson in life. I'm very content though with my life at the moment. I'm keeping up the positive mentality and focusing on my priorities. I've calmed down alot as far as not trying to control everything in my life and just letting things rock. I'm just living and finding the good in the bad. Things have become easier for me to deal with these days with the new attitude I've attained. I don't complain about things, I just lovee it!! :)...I do feel as though there really aren't enough hours in a day to do everything I would like to do lol..but yes thats something else we'll have to work on. Well I'm off I'll be on this more frequently over the next few days with updated details and such. Goodnite!

Peace, Love, and Happiness<3